Currently, eligible students are regular full-time students under the age of 19, who reside more than 4.5km by the shortest practicable route from their home to the nearest appropriate school. (School Bus Services Manual, page 15)
Students who live closer than 4.5kms from school who are not eligible to become full time passengers, may apply for complimentary student status. Complimentary status will only be approved if there is sufficient seating available on the bus service.
Applying for transport on the bus to Bakers Hill Primary School
School Bus Services visit School Bus WA website
Before you access the online form it is recommended you have the following information available:
- Parent/Carer details including DOB, phone, fax and/or email address.
- Student’s details.
- The number of days per week the student will be travelling to school.
- Name of the school the student will be attending.
- The shortest practical distance in kilometres from the student’s home to the student’s school.
- The shortest practical distance in from the student’s home to the closest existing bus stop.
- Details regarding any medical conditions, allergies, or disabilities of the student.
- If applicable, details of student’s wheelchair such as make, model and weight.
Alternative Contacts:
- The name, address and contact details of at least two individuals who the PTA or the bus contractor/driver can contact in the unlikely event of an emergency.
How to apply
Visit the School Bus Services WA website
Click on the Apply Now Link
Read the Terms and Conditions – Some of the information regarding what you need that has been written above is included.
Tick the box agreeing to the Terms and Conditions and push next.
Click on the Mainstream button.
Answer all the questions, clicking on Next at the end of each section.
When you have complete the form save/submit.