Support Programs
Class teachers provide special help and assistance to meet individual children‘s needs. The Learning Support Coordinator (Darren Mellor) assists teachers to develop
- Individual Education Plans (IEP’s )
- Teaching-learning strategies for Students At Educational Risk (SAER). This includes children who are working below the expected level, children with learning difficulties, children with special needs and children who are working above expected levels and require extension.
- Referrals to outside agencies for children who may need further assistance.
- In school small group remedial programs.
- At Bakers Hill we explicitly teach protective behaviours through the Skills for Life Program.
- Zones of Regulation has been embedded through the school.
- Crunch & Sip – our students participate in a Crunch & Sip break daily which serves to provide an opportunity for children to drink water and eat an extra serve of vegetables or fruit to support good health and to help with learning and concentration in the classroom. All while they are sitting at their desks!
The LSC works with parents to devise health care plans for students with special medical needs.
The LSC ensures that the correct processes are followed when referring a child for further intervention and assessment, this may involve consultation with the school psychologist.
A school psychologist visits the school for 1 day per fortnight. Children may be referred by either teacher or parents where there is concern about academic, behavioural, social or emotional problems affecting the child’s progress at school.
The school psychologist is trained to assess ability and attainment, to consult with teachers and devise appropriate remediation and make use of Student Services.
Parental approval is required before a child can be seen by the school psychologist. A case conference is organised for the parents and teacher to discuss concerns with the school psychologist before any action is taken.
Children have access to a visiting dental therapy van in the area (usually Northam). Dates, time and location are published in the school newsletter.
School Nurse
The School Nurse visits the school on a needs basis. She is employed by the Health Department of WA. Children have a health screening:
- as they enter the school system i.e. Kindergarten/Pre-Primary
- as problems arise.