Absence from School

It is a requirement by DoE that parents/caregivers inform schools as to the reasons their child is absent from school.  This may be done by phone, text, letter or in person.  The teacher records the reason against the child’s absence on the attendance record.  If a suitable reason is not provided, follow up may be required by the school attendance officer.

The department of Education expects student attendance rates will be above 90% (the state average is 93%).  If a student’s attendance falls below this level, an Administrator will initially follow up with parents.

Leaving the school grounds

If you are required to collect your child during the day, you must present to the office to obtain a sign out slip which will need to be handed to the class teacher.  Students will NOT be released from class without a sign out slip.

Late students

Any student arriving after 8.50am, either late or after an appointment, MUST present to the office for a student late pass to ensure attendance records are amended.

Text Messages

At 10.30am daily absentee messages are automatically generated to parents.  You can reply to these text messages to provide an explanation for your child’s absence.  You are welcome to text in advance as this service is regularly monitored and the attendance system updated.