The Technologies curriculum comprises of two areas:
- Design and Technologies
- Digital Technologies
Design and Technologies
Design and Technology motivates students and engages them in a range of learning experiences that are transferable to family and home, constructive leisure activities, community contribution and the world of work.
It provides students with authentic learning challenges that foster curiosity, confidence, persistence, innovation, creativity, respect and cooperation. These attributes are necessary when using and developing solutions to make sense of complex ideas and relationships in all areas of learning. Design and Technologies helps students to be regional and global citizens, capable of actively and ethically communicating and collaborating.
Digital Technologies
Digital technologies are everywhere, mobile and desktop devices and networks are transforming learning, recreational activities, home life and work. Digital technologies support new ways of collaborating and communicating, and require new skills such as computational and systems thinking. Technologies are an essential problem-solving toolset in our knowledge-based society.
The Digital Technologies curriculum empowers students to shape change by influencing how contemporary and emerging information systems and practices are applied to meet current and future needs. A deep knowledge and understanding of information systems enables students to be creative and discerning decision-makers when they select, use and manage data, information, processes and digital systems to meet needs and shape preferred futures.
At Bakers Hill Primary School we continue to develop our capabilities for delivering a quality Technologies curriculum through the provision of a range of digital technologies. Teachers use E Boards to deliver their teaching and learning programs. Class sets of iPads and Laptops provide frequent access to ensure that technologies are integrated and embedded across all areas of the curriculum.